14 February 2008

happy bloody valentine..

Dear love..

Today, should be our first valentine but you’ve ruined it.
Why don’t you wait for tomorrow to say those things?

I know I’m not the one you’re looking for. I’m far away from perfect.
But don’t you realize how much I love you?
Isn’t it love that you need from me?

It’s love that makes me so selfish to be with you so badly..
It’s love so I don’t care about what they think about you..
It’s love that turns me into someone I don’t know anymore..
But I’d never regret about this love.. too good to be forgotten..

Our midnight talking..
Our imaginary wedding – honeymoon..
Our “I don’t love you” thing..
Our “11 Januari” moment..
Our first complicated date..
Our “prime suspect” that lead to our first kiss..
And of course our
Bali things where the love came by..

And I just know.. too hurt to let you go..

Bye, love..

Ps : to me you’re perfect..

04 February 2008

no more..

Beberapa hari yang lalu, pagi-pagi banget, HP gua bunyi dengan ringtone lagu Dilemma-nya Nelly & Kelly Rowland..

No matter what I do
All I think about is you
Even when I'm with my Boo
You know I'm crazy over you

Ini berarti dia yang telepon! Orang yang dulunya somebody dan sekarang jadi nobody.
Dan itu ringtone tuh khusus banget buat dia coz I was really crazy over him..

Kaget.. Bingung.. Ga jelas..
Walaupun pengen banget buat nge-reject, tetep aja gua terima teleponnya.
Ternyata dia cuma lagi inget gua.
Kalo dulu, terima telepon kaya gini bisa buat gua seneng banget ampe ga bisa tidur lagi.
Tapi kemaren itu, gua ngerasa biasa aja, dan langsung aja gua tidur lagi.

It means, finally, I've absofuckinglutely let him go..
No more smiles, no more laughs, no more love, and of course no more tears..