24 August 2008

labels 4 love - opening soon!

dari sebuah malam hedon..
dari sekumpulan orang yang bermimpi..
dari sebuah kompromi akan obsesi..

we have to do it coz we can..

15 August 2008

yang tersisa dari segelas caramel frappuccino..

She is a girl, he is a ghost..
Met randomly in the middle of hectic crowded creature.
She looked at him, never thought he’s a ghost.
Just smiled and went away.
It was the beginning of their complicated story.

Another day, another month..
In a place where so many birds are all around, they met again.
The ghost told her about his dream, to be someone who can ride the bird.
The girl told him about her fear, the black room inside her house.
Felt something, they put those things into silence.
At the end of the day, they made a walk to remember.

So many days, so many talks..
The ghost couldn’t keep his secret anymore.
So he told the girl, he’s a ghost who lives in a studio.
It’s a warning, he said.
The girl wasn’t afraid, said it’s okay.
The ghost was surprised and the girl was happy.
Later, a girl and a ghost became friends.

Once in a blue moon, once in a dark night..
They found something beautiful so they decided to take care of it.
Never thought, it was so wrong.
It’s a little fish inside an aquarium.

So there are a girl, a ghost and a fish..
They loved the fish very much, fed it anytime they could.
The girl told her friends about the fish, so did the ghost.
Day by day, the little fish was getting bigger and bigger.
The girl was happy but the ghost never seemed happy as her.

Until one day, the girl threw a stone to hit the aquarium..
The girl wanted to know what the ghost would do if the aquarium is torn.
Never expect it, the aquarium was broken so badly into pieces
There were silence..
The ghost just said nothing, there was sorrow in his eyes.
They girl was so sad, realized she did a huge mistake. But she couldn’t do anything to mend the broken aquarium. Just took the fish and kept it.

Since that..
They were never be the same again.
He started looking for another thing, didn’t want to look at the fish anymore, or even her.
And the bad thing happened..
The ghost told the girl, he’s a ghost so he can’t play with her anymore.
The girl said nothing, just running into the rain.

Days gone by..
Now the girl has another friends, rain and ache. Not worry she’s alone.
But deep down she just want to have the ghost back into her life again.
She needs the ghost to help her finding another aquarium.
Cause the fish is still there, dying but still alive.

And somehow, she knows the ghost feel the same way too..

09 August 2008

dark side..

menurut salah seorang sahabat gua, "ada kebaikan dalam diri setiap orang.."

dan menurut gua, sepertinya sih dalam diri tiap orang ada juga yang namanya dark side..
dark side ini, mungkin aja cuma diketahui ama orang2 tertentu aja, dan ga semua orang tau..

gua punya temen yang baek banget, sampe temen gua yang laen pernah nanya, nih orang pernah ga sih punya niat jahat.. akhirnya sampe satu kali, dia cerita kalo dia jalan ama 2 orang cewe just for sex, udah gitu dia ngaku dah punya istri yang tinggal bukan di indonesia dengan tujuan biar gampang mutusin cewe itu, oh my God..
as a friend gua cuma bisa bilang ke dia, this is your very dark side..

gua sendiri pun punya yang namanya dark side..
entah itu dosa2 yang gua lakuin ato pikiran2 jahat di kepala gua..
dan semua ini yang tau mungkin cuma orang2 tertentu, gua dan Tuhan..

at some point.. gua takut ama diri gua sendiri..
untuk hal-hal yang udah gua lakuin, yang selama ini kayanya ga mungkin gua lakuin.. secara tiap minggu gua ke gereja.. and still i have questioned so many things called sins..
untuk pikiran2 jahat di kepala gua yang muncul ketika gua lagi marah..
dan yang paling ngebuat gua takut adalah suatu waktu pikiran jahat itu bakal gua lakuin.. itu bakal parah banget..

so about my dark side, i just can pray.. God, please help me..I'm scared

my great weekend..

hari sabtu buat gua tuh berarti hari untuk bangun siang.. dan entah kenapa hari ini gua terjebak untuk ikut training " The Arts of Perfoming Corporate Image".. mana anak produksi yang ikut cuma gua seorang lagi, hiiksss..

penderitaan dimulai sejak gua bangun, ceritanya sih target gua bangun jam 6.15, tapi ya ampun susah banget untuk buka mata jam segitu. secara kemarennya gua baru tidur jam 2, sebenernya sih dari jam 12 an udah mau tidur, eh taunya ada telp gitu.. jadilah gua ngobrol2 dulu ampe jam 2.
dari target jam 6.15 akhirnya gua bangun jam 6.45... panik karena belum beres2..
akhirnya sampe kantor jam 8 kurang dikit, dengan rambut acak2an en basah karena baru keramas.. sebelum mulai training, sempet catokan bentar, lumayan jadinya ga basah2 banget..

akhirnya dimulailah training tsb..
08.00 - 12.15 : The Way We Try To Adaption With Others
udah ga keitung berapa kali gua nguap. secangkir nescafe bener2 ga ngaruh..
yang ada gua malah ngelamun, coret2, dsb..

13.15 - 16.30 : Professional Business Appearance
abis makan siang, ngantuk makin nambah. untungnya ini ngebahas tentang fashion, jadi gua agak antusias.. walaupun tetep aja mata gua kereyep2..

16.30 - 20.00 : Business Entertain Etiquette
ini sebenernya lumayan rame juga karena ada praktek table manner.. tapi ini badan udah pegel semua.. gara2 duduk berjam2.. jadinya agak ga semanget gitu..

setelah ngantuk, pegel, dll.. selesai juga one day training ini..

in positive way : yang pastinya training ini nambah wawasan banget, and in some way helps me killing time without him..